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Carlmont Associated Student Body

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Carlmont Associated Student Body

Mission:  Engaged Students, Spirited Community.
Vision:  Scots Gathered... Smiling, Laughing, Involved. 
Motto: Spirit In, Spirit Out, Spirit Up
ASB Executive Board
Student Body President: Walker Fort
Student Body Vice Presidents - Activities Council: Audrey Wong, Shane Fitzpatrick
Student Body Vice Presidents - Service Council: Cricket Lee, Caelyn Cheng
Activities Director
Jim Kelly
Stay Connected with ASB
Student Activities Calendar: see below
Carlmont ASB is a registered non-profit organization that abides by the rules of earning and spending its money as set forth by the California Education Code. As such, the ASB budget will always show a balance of revenue and expenses. And all money must be spent on the students of Carlmont for extra-curricular activities within the current school year. Following is a list of the expense categories: Assemblies, Dances, Lunchtime Activities, Supervision, Training, CIF/CCS/PAL dues, Sports Expenses, ASB Supplies.
Leadership Classes

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Leadership Classes

Name (Click on Name for Email) Dial (650) 595-0210 and the extension below: Phone
Kelly, Jim
Leadership 1, ASB
McNinch, Molly
Leadership 1
Student Activities Calendar

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Senior Activities/Graduation Information

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Senior Activities/Graduation Information

Class of 2025 Officers
President: Elizabeth Cruz
Vice Presidents: Katherine Peacock, Jennifer Luo
Graduation Information Meeting
For all seniors on April 15 during lunch in the ASB Room. Come find out about everything to do with the Senior Activities Week including Graduation, Senior Recognition Night, Senior Picnic, and Graduation Practices.
Senior Portraits
Senior Portraits can be scheduled prior to the yearbook deadline. Please check the yearbook link below for that specific date.
Click on this link: Prestige Studio Scheduling
Yearbook Information
Follow this link for all Yearbook Info
Panoramic Picture
The Panoramic Picture is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8 at 8:30 am on the football bleachers. The picture will be in the yearbook, and souvenir pictures can be individually ordered at 1-800-736-4754. You can also order via mail at:
2300 W 4th ST
Ontario, OH 44906-9902
FAFSA / CADAA Requirements
As of July of 2022, all SUHSD seniors are required to complete either a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act Application (CADAA). All SUHSD schools are required to account for every graduating senior prior to graduation. While there will be an opportunity to opt-out in the spring, we hope that you will choose to complete your financial aid application. If you have questions about this requirement, please connect with your school counselor.
This new requirement is state mandated. AB 469 
Cap, Gown, and Tassel
Parents do not need to order a Cap, Gown, and Tassel. That is all handled by the Activities Director working directly with the seniors. Every graduate will have their proper size ordered in December. Distribution of Caps, Gowns, and Tassels will be on May 19 at lunch and June 2 after the Senior Picnic. Last second cap, gown, and tassels may be available on the day of graduation before 9:00 am.
Senior Picnic, on the Monday of Graduation Week
Water Slides. Lazy River. Sand Volleyball Court. Catered lunch. Or maybe you just want to lounge in the sun all day. We will get to enjoy a day at a Water Park :)
All seniors will be transported by school district buses from Carlmont.
Cost is $50.00. Last day to buy tickets is at Lunch on the second Friday of May in the ASB Room.
You must turn in the Senior Picnic Permission Slip with your payment.
Senior Recognition Night, on the Thursday of Graduation Week, 7:00-9:00 pm 
Celebrate the Graduates' academic achievements and special performing talents in the Terry Stogner Gymnasium. There will be no cost for this event. If you are a senior and would like to perform, please contact Mr. Kelly.
Walking Partners
The seating chart will be created from the Walking Partner request name card which will be available to seniors in late April. Partner requests are due on or before the first Friday in May in the ASB room.
Graduation Practices, on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Graduation Week, 10:00 am
Attendance is MANDATORY for all grads. Roll will be taken and those not in attendance will be removed from the ceremony. Please arrive at the football field by 9:45 am on all three days. 
Grads' Seating Chart
  • A seating chart for the Grads will be created from the Walking Partner requests.
  • Click on the link: Grad Seating Chart to find: BLEACHER SECTION, ROW, AND SEAT NUMBER
  • Be in this seat each day for Grad Practice at 10:00 am. The practice is mandatory. Roll will be taken!
Graduation Ceremony, on the Friday of Graduation Week, 10:00 am
A traditional ceremony with no limit to guests and seating on the football field is on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors to the field will be locked until a time specified by the authorities typically around 8:00 or 9:00 am. 
Graduation Leis
To order a lei from PTSA, please click this link and scroll down: Graduation Lei Orders
Graduation Pictures
Grad Images is the company we use to take professional photos of the ceremony and of the grads as they cross the stage. Please go to the Grad Images Website for information on how to purchase those photos. 
Grad Night
Grad Night is not organized by the school. It is a PTSA event. 
Class Officer and ASB Elections

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Class Officer and ASB Elections

Want to run for Class President or Vice President?
Mandatory Elections Information Meeting
Lunch on February 3.
If you cannot attend, you must contact the Activities Director, Mr. Kelly before the meeting.
Carlmont Clubs

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Carlmont Clubs

To Join a Club
All clubs are open to anyone who wants to join. Clubs may not discriminate against anyone who wants to join. Click on the Active Clubs List to find the club you are interested in. You can simply show up at the listed time or you can contact either the Club President and/or Club Advisor for specfic information. There will be a Clubs (information) Fair on September 15 at lunch for all students to sign up for clubs of their choice. 
To Renew or Start a school club,
Before September 1, if you want to start a club, find a teacher to agree to be the club advisor. Agree upon the days of the week or month that you will meet. Then, have the teacher email Mr. Kelly for the Charter Request. Students are not allowed to complete Charter Requests. Please note that California Ed. Code states that clubs cannot raise funds for charitable causes. ASB cannot approve clubs whose function is to raise money for charity.
__________________________________New clubs can be formed in the month of August only_____________________________


Forms for Clubs Fair

Freshman Clubs Fair Request Form

Clubs Fair Request Form (Club Advisors Only)


Principal's Service Award

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Principal's Service Award

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” - William James
Message from the Principal 
“The Principal's Service Award program is a great way for students to be recognized for giving back to the community. Carlmont students have a great sense of community and pride and it is important to acknowledge this. We are very proud of how students make a difference on a daily basis by volunteering their time for things they believe in.” 
- Gay Buckland-Murray, Principal 

Mission Statement
The Principal’s Service Award is a program that encourages students to actively participate in community service activities and experience the true value in giving back to others. 

Program Description
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Principal’s Service Award program. The goal of this program is to encourage students to participate in community service activities that they enjoy and to experience the true value of giving back to others. Please read and use this Principal's Service Award Submission Form due on the last day of April. If you have further questions whether your activity qualifies for the award, please contact ASB. Remember, this program is optional and the goal is to have FUN while giving back to your community.

Hour Requirements
Platinum Award: 200+ Hours
Gold Award: 100-199 Hours
Silver Award: 50-99 Hours
Bronze Award: 25-49 Hours
All hour requirements are cumulative for all four years of high school.

What activities can I do?
Many volunteering activities can help you qualify for the award, including: 
  • Volunteering at a nonprofit organization, such as the SPCA, LifeMoves, or at a public library, etc.
  • Participating in on-campus opportunities such as after school tutoring.
  • Volunteering with an organized group, such as Scouts, Young Men’s Service League, National Charity League, Key Club, Interact etc. 
  • And more that fit the guidelines! 

What activities are not allowed?
  • Hours spent promoting a religion. Volunteering with members at your church to feed the homeless is okay as long as you are not actively promoting religion. 
  • Time spent benefitting for a for-profit organization 
  • Time spent while getting paid.

How can I get started? How do I submit hours?
All forms for the Principal’s Service Award are available on the Carlmont High School website ( under the Student Life tab, under ASB. Please fill out the form agreeing to the guidelines and submit your hours at Principal’s Service Award Submission Form. Your hours do not need to be submitted until your senior year. The early deadline will be in October so seniors can put the award on their college apps. The regular deadline is at the end of April. The official certificate will be given out at Senior Recognition Night.

Do summer hours or past volunteer events count?
Yes, as long as those hours were served while you were a student at Carlmont High School and your supervisor could verify your hours.

What is the purpose of the award?
The goal is to encourage students to participate in community service activities and  experience the true value of giving back to others.

Is this a requirement at Carlmont?
No. This is completely optional. 

If I’m already volunteering for my Girl Scout Award/Eagle Scout Service Project/Young Men’s Service League/National Charity League, can I count those hours towards the Principal’s Service Award?
Yes! The goal of the program is to encourage volunteering in an area you enjoy or want to learn more about. It’s great if you have already discovered something of interest and we want to recognize you!

What if I am in ASB and help set up for a volunteer activity? Do those hours count?
No. Hours spent on a school activity when you are receiving school credit do NOT count.

What if I tutor on campus or some other similar activity? Do those hours count?

If I’m in charge of a club and we volunteer, do my hours planning an event count?
Yes. Hours spent directly planning and volunteering for an outreach effort can count. However, hours spent at a regular club meeting do not count.

When will I receive the award?
The awards are given to seniors at the Senior Recognition Night before Graduation. Please allow at least 1 month for the award to be reviewed and processed. 

If I earn the Principal’s Service Award, for instance Gold, do I also receive the other awards?
No. You only receive the award that the maximum number of hours that you completed qualify for. For example, if you complete 100-199 hours, you will only receive the Gold award. To earn the award, you must complete the minimum number of community service hours to qualify for a level of the award. Bronze level: 25 hours. Silver level: 50 hours. Gold level: 100 hours. Platinum level: 200 hours.
Thank you for participating!

-The Principal’s Service Award Committee