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Course Catalog

2025 - 2026 COURSE CATALOG

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2025 - 2026 COURSE CATALOG

Course Selection
The Course Catalog is published to assist parents and their high school students in educational planning and course selection. Guidance is given for course selection, grading interpretation, meeting college admission requirements, and for completing graduation requirements. Special education is described. Schooling alternatives are listed. Guidance services are outlined. The whole purpose of the Course Catalog/Program Planning Handbook is to offer a single source of information about each high school so that families can make informed choices.
All students are also asked to use the Weekly Class Homework Averages form and Time
Management Worksheet to gain a better understanding of the workload specific to their class
schedule for the coming year. Please contact your Guidance Counselor for any questions regarding scheduling.
Important Links:
During this appointment, students will review their 4-year plan and request courses for the next school year with their counselors. 
If parents or your student have any questions regarding these courses or would like to request a change you must do so before May 20th through the Online Information Update (OIU), courses requests will be changed if a room is available. 
If the student is eligible for summer school, the tentative summer courses will be included in the confirmation email. Summer school space is limited.  A final confirmation with more information will be sent out in May.