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Advanced Placement (AP) Information

2024-2025 Advanced Placement (AP) Information

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Welcome to the 2024-25 Advanced Placement Program (AP)


The Advanced Placement® (AP®) program (the program is comprised of a class and an assessment) allows students to challenge themselves with college-level rigor in a high school environment.

The AP class (there is a wide variety of AP Subjects) is a rigorous course that tries to approximate college level demands. Each AP Course has a national assessment associated with it.

If a student performs at a certain level on the assessment, they may be eligible for college credit. The goal is to connect students to college success through allowing them to take college-level classes while still in high school.

College Board Honor Roll


New changes coming in 2025

2025 AP Test Dates

AP Office Location

College Board Accommodations

Social Media




What to bring on exam day.