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English Department Members

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English Department Members

Questions regarding Carlmont's English department can be directed to Justin Raisner - Department Chair
Name (Click on Name for Email) Dial (650) 595-0210 and the extension below: Phone
Raisner, Justin Department Chair, Media Arts (AS and CP), Journalism 2/3, Media Adviser 39655
Berg, Elizabeth English 4, Drama 39690
Calvin, Sara AS English 2, English 2, English 2 Support 39614
Cortez, Oscar English 4, BTI English 4 39607
Covington, Laura Long Term Sub for Emily Van Sebille:  AS English 1 / English 4  
Gaitan, Addison AS English 1, AVID 39704
Gold, Susan BTI English 2, BTI English 3 39710
Gray, Zoe English 2, English 4 39613
Hanlon, Jordan S1 Sub for Cheri Watkins:  English 1 / ELA 1/2  
Humes, Jody AS English 2, English 1 39647
Jay, Tiffany English 1, AS English 1 39635
Lucia, Stephen AP Literature, English 3 39708
Madson, Kylie English 2, AP Literature 39653
Migdail, Erik AP Comp/Lang, English 3 39617
Redmon, Kelly English 1, English 1 Support 39661
Snyder, Kevin English 2, English 4 39609
Soelberg, Kenneth English SPED 34313
Steward, Denise English 1, AS English 3 39623
Struve, Andrea AP Seminar, AP Research 39637
Tsai, Brianna ELD, Academic Literacy, English 2 39670
Turkis, Martin AP Comp/Lang, English 3 39679
Van Sebille, Emily On Leave 39619
Wallace, Carolyn AS English 3, English 3 39611
Watkins, Cheri English 4, AS English 1 39630
Yoo, Mimi English 1 Intensive and Intervention, English 2 39716
Summer Reading

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Summer reading is required for all students in the Sequoia Union High School District. In our AS-level classes, an assessment will be given in the first few days of school. 
AS/AP classes will have additional assignments to complete (see the links below) along with the reading and will use the texts extensively as part of their curriculum. All students should come to school having read the assigned text(s).

Carlmont English Department Summer Assignments (please note - accounts from San Carlos School District cannot access this. This is not a restriction from our end - sorry).
Copies are available for purchase at local bookstores and online. If you cannot afford to buy a copy, a limited number will be available in the local public libraries as well as in Carlmont’s textbook room.
AP/AS English Course Info

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AP/AS English Course Info

While Carlmont has an open-enrollment policy in regard to advanced courses, being successful requires students to dedicate themselves to the rigor of AS/AP English. When considering overriding placement recommendations, please note the following:

Successful Advanced English students demonstrate reading and writing skills well above grade level. With that in mind, the focus of these courses is more on content than on skill-building.

Please note: Four-year colleges do not accept D or F grades for credit and AS/AP classes are not offered in summer school. Students who fail an AS/AP course will need to make up the course credits; however, the original grade of D or F will remain on the transcript and be calculated into the grade point average (GPA). Because of limited summer resources, students earning a D may not be able to make up the course.

The AS/AP English curricula are designed to prepare students to take the Advanced Placement (AP) English exam(s). AP courses are college-level courses. Thus, the instructional pace in AS English is rapid, and the focus is primarily on analytical writing and critical thinking.  Grades are based primarily on writing assignments and projects. High-level participation and nightly homework completion are expected of all AS/AP English students.

AS English students can expect to read approximately twenty to twenty-five pages per night in addition to having other English homework and homework for other courses.

Late work is not accepted (except for excused illness and Special Education considerations).

Carlmont offers support classes in math and English. The classes are designed to help fill in any gaps in learning or gaps in prior content knowledge. Students receive additional content-specific instruction to help support their learning in their college.
AS English 1 and CP English 1

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Pathways icon

In 10th grade, students can choose a thematic pathway to follow during their high school career. Check the links below for more information:

Media Arts English Information

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